Emotiva reacción de una niña huérfana al enterarse que iba a ser adoptada


Tannah Butterfield, de 11 años no pudo contener la emoción al enterarse que por fin sería adoptada junto a sus hermanos y el momento conmueve en las redes sociales. 

Jackie Alexander, directora de oficina de la Escuela South Jordan, de Utah publicó el video del momento en que la pequeña recibe la noticia y se declaró profundamente emocionada ante su reacción. 

En las imágenes se puede ver la euforia de Tannah que saltó de felicidad y abrazó a Alexander, quien había sido testigo de las complicaciones que habían existido para que la nueva familia de la pequeña pudiera adelantar los trámites de adopción. 

“Creo que ni yo sería capaz de entender este momento. Nuestras cámaras de seguridad lo registraron perfectamente”, dijo Jackie Alexander en su publicación de Instagram. 


*I give permission to all media outlets to use this video and post with credit to: Jackie Alexander (and American Heritage of South Jordan) Thank you* Some Mondays are better than others. I share this with permission from the parent of this student. This is pure testament that in a world full of turmoil and strife, there is still light and joy to be found in little everyday moments. A dear family I know has been fighting for as long as I can remember to adopt 3 of their foster children that attend our school. It’s been hard to watch them fight this emotional battle. My love has grown for this family and I have learned so much from them as they have tried to remain positive despite many set backs. Today my phone rang at my desk and it was my friend Jen telling me things FINALLY had come to an end and the courts were going to let them ADOPT the children!! She asked me if I would be sure to tell her sweet girl when she came to my desk for her daily visit. She knew she would want to know right away because she had been so worried. I don’t think even I could understand myself what that moment would feel like. Our security cameras caught the moment perfectly. I cry as I type this. In 12 years at this job, this is by far my best moment ever!! To tell a little girl that she gets her family forever takes the cake. I can’t even describe that hug…and thank heavens her mom doesn’t mind that I kissed her a million times, and a million more after the film cuts off. A moment needed after waking up to another morning of devastating news on t.v….but a sweet reminder today that life can be and still is beautiful in spite of it all. ♥?#americanheritageofsouthjordan

Una publicación compartida de Jackie Alexander (@jackiealex) el